Museum of Islamic Arts
Doha Municipality - 1997
Located on the Persian Gulf and inspired by Qatar’s unique desert topography, the museum is a total fusion of architecture, display space, environmental technology and digital communications systems. This desert/waterfront building integrates two existing mosques – one at its center and a second located on the northeast perimeter – as intrinsic structures in a parallel series of dune-like roof planes. Lateral walls intersect this undulating shelter, allowing exhibitions and landscape to flow from inside to outside. While the roof configurations are fluid and site-specific, the museum plan is based on a twelve-meter grid. As this network morphs with the surrounding public spaces, its geometry dematerializes into the context as a fragmented version of the classic Islamic garden.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Project model overview, showing an integration of the building with garden spaces and the inclusion of an existing mosque as a centerpiece for surrounding exhibitions.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Initial sketch of the museum concept by J. Wines, site plan and overview color rendering of the museum in context.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Photo documentation and model showing the sand dune source of imagery for the museum structure.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Model overview showing the integration of the museum with the Islamic gardens and outdoor pavilions.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Site plan of the museum.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Sections of the museum.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Model showing the museum at night.

Museum of Islamic Arts - Doha Municipality – Doha, Qatar – 1997 – Model showing the museum during the day.